Alcoholics Anonymous – Central New York – Area 47 Assembly
The Business of Alcoholics Anonymous in the United States and Canada is conducted at the annual General Service Conference meeting held in New York City, in the month of April. It is attended by delegates from 93 service areas, 21 Trustees, Directors and staff members from AA World Service, the Grapevine and the General Service Office.
The purpose of the Central New York Area Assembly is the same as the purpose of an AA group; to carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic. One way this is done is by electing a delegate to serve as the representative of the Area to the General Service Conference. The Area Assembly also provides an opportunity for the District Committee Members and the individual AA groups to share their experience. It sponsors Area events such as the annual convention, various workshops and other service related events that have area-wide significance. The Central New York Area Assembly endeavors to:
- Stimulate AA group involvement and participation in the assembly.
- Allow for free, open and unrestricted dialogue between AA groups in the area.
- Ensure against “railroading” and “log rolling” of one individual’s or group’s specific agenda or course of action.
- Ensure the right of the minority to be heard.
- Remind the groups of their need to make contributions to the General Service Office.
- Provide a forum for allowing the AA groups to inform the Delegate of what items are of concern to the AA groups.
- Ensure that the voice of the AA groups is heard within the AA service structure.
- Ensure that the Area Assembly does not act as a governing body over anyone.
- Provide for monthly meetings of the GSR’s to ensure informed dialogue between the groups and the Delegate.
- To pool the financial and human resources to stimulate “carrying the AA message” where it is beyond on group’s resources to do this.
- To act as a guardian of the Twelve Traditions of AA.
- To introduce the Twelve Concepts of World Service.