Delegate’s Report to Area Assembly, period of June 12 to July 9, 2017
Delegates Report to Area Assembly, period of June 12 to July 9, 2017
Thank you to our host district 0700. First you hosted our area convention in May and to follow-up in July with an area assembly is no easy task. But you did a great job, and we thank you very much for it.
At the area committee meeting I proposed a summit meeting for the DCM’s and alternates. The purpose of the summit is to educate, encourage and empower the DCM’s in their work at the district level. The alternate delegate, and the area chair and myself will be responsible for putting the summit on. We are looking at a 10 AM to 3 PM timeframe. With presentations, panel topic discussions and workshops. I provided a detailed draft of the proposal for the DCM’s consideration. Next month, at the area committee meeting we will decide whether to proceed. It was received positively at the committee meeting. Following the assembly, I emailed the draft proposal to the DCM email list.
Where have I been? I spoke at the Ithaca group 73rd anniversary meeting on June 27. There was a large turnout and it was great to see so many old friends. Speaking at a group with a long and cherished tradition is very humbling and I was grateful to be a part of the celebration.
Also, I attended the Hill Group, at the Elmira correctional facility, 55nd anniversary meeting, on July 8. It was an honor to participate in the program. NYS has very stringent regulations for visitors that are bringing in an AA meeting, however on this day the pre-background check requirements are waived. Over 40 AA members attended and there were approximately 21 inmates in attendance. The anniversary celebration was from 10 AM to 2 PM. And it included a lunch that was provided and paid for by the inmates. The group has a GSR, and the alternate GSR, John L, carries their group conscience both to the district and area. John did a tremendous job in assisting the organization of the event. Several inmates shared their story, which was a powerful example of how lives are transformed for the better through the program of A.A. Some of the inmates, are facing some very harsh realities, but their gratitude for sobriety was for them the true freedom. There were several ex-inmates who shared and they were a great power of example of how the program can change your life for the better upon release. Also, included in the program was Diana L., the GSO corrections coordinator.
Information from Northeast Regional Trustee has been posted on the area website. Highlights include:
- Online contributions, as of April 2017 are up 12% compared to last year
- Some General Service staff have recently attended service functions in Cuba and Johannesburg, South Africa. And soon will be going to Mongolia
- The GSO website redesign is in process
- Research and development of the AA world services app is in process
- Systems for setting up the translation of conference background material are starting to take form
Also posted on the area website was the June grapevine news. Highlights include:
- There is a new book entitled Making Amends, single copy price $11.50.
- Annual photo contest: photos can be submitted for consideration
for the Grapevine 2018 calendar. The deadline is December 5,
In addition, the 67th General Service Conference reports will be distributed in August, and I will be bringing them to the following assembly. Also, the AA safety card is now available for groups. Instructions on how to obtain the card are on the area website.
Where am I going?
- Penfield Friday Night, 7:30 PM on July 14
- Love and Service Group, Rochester, Saturday, July 22, 4 – 6 PM, for a conference report back.
- The 38th New York State Informational Workshop, August 4-6
- The Geneva Noontime Group Anniversary, August 11, Noon
In conclusion, when I rotate on in a year and a half, I want to know that I gave all I could. I didn’t leave anything on the table. I hope you feel the same way I do. This is our panel and this is our time, let us make the most of it, to help better carry the message, to fulfill our primary purpose. It is important for me to keep in mind, that our success is not measured by an increase in participation in general service, but rather by our effort. We want the hand of AA to be there for the newcomer or for anyone who reaches out for it. I ask you, are you enjoying your service commitment overall? I hope you are, because service given with a cheerful and grateful heart is what we are here for. “To fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and others.” -Joe S., Delegate, P67/A47 CNY