Election Results, 11 September 2022
Congratulations to our new officers!
Delegate: Christopher M.
Alternate Delegate: Cindy D.
Area Chairperson: Tim D.
Secretary: Mary B.
Treasurer: Debi C.
Registrar: Melissa B.
Recording Secretary: Brian M.
I am sending this a little late – as a new GSR, sometimes these options (like the opportunity to write an email) escape me.
I am going to try zooming in today to save travel time. I’m not sure how smooth the communication process from this end, but wanted to gently inquire about the change that was voted on to change the sponsorship stance for AA – in light of transgender and other issues. I am very supportive the issues and trans community; however, I had some reservations about the rushed vote and promise to revise appropriate after the vote was taken knowing that the area would not necessarily have approved the exact wording.
I assume that the revisions were made and submitted for future consideration. However, we were supposed to receive a copy of the final revised version that was worked on in good faith. I would like to have that reviewed today, and for the next meeting, a copy of the original proposal, and the final revised, so I can see what was change. Thank you.
New GSR Phelps Group